Good morning. Please be safe and warm all of you in the northeast of the USA during this winter blizzard. Here in se Texas, we are having wonderful warm weather this week. I have been stitching a little, here is my progress this last week.
Snowman and Friends Christmas
Stocking – Gold Collection Kit
1. Poinsettia Towel-Lois
Winston for DMC-Just Cross Stitch Magazine Nov/Dec 2011
1. A Sweet Song for
Christmas–The 12 Days of Texas Christmas-Redbird Designs.
“March” Calendar Girl Series-Littlehouse Needleworks
1. “Season’s Greetings” ornament-Little House Needleworks
Christmas Animals – Heaven And Earth
2 pages out of 8 pages completed
This is my Granddaughter's horse Cochise. I designed the pattern on PC Stitch and put it on a pillow to go with the other one I stitched.
Enjoy, see you next week. Have a great week and greet life no matter what life throws your way.
Vicki is hosting a Grow Your Blog!!! party each year. There are over 400 blogs taking part this year. What A great way to meet new friends! This will be my second year