I have made a little progress on some of my 10 WIPs and finished a few. Stitching on several series and will continue into the new year. Here are the 10 I had on my list for 2014.
Red Birds-Marie Barber-Just Cross
Stitch Magazine Nov/Dec Issue 2011 Finished Sept 2014
Christmas Animals – Heaven And Earth
2 pages out of 8 pages completed
Noel Table Runner 2009 Sal-Novalee2.Com
. Stitcher’s Alphabet – BrooksBook-Stitched A B C D E F H-Stitching the alphabet on an afghan.
Christmas Angels“ #2 Heavenly
Host” Collection(4)-Joan Elliott
I completed the first one and now stitching on 2 & 3 of the four
September Doodle 2013-Blueladie Designs During 2014 I stitched March, April, May, June, July and August and have made them into greeting cards.
April “Sweet Pea” Flower Of The
Month series – Ellen Maurer Stroh-Stitched Jan, Feb, and March
June-Graduation Snowman- Snowman Series
– Vermillion- Stitched Jan ,Mar, April, May,Nov,

8. 2011 monthly ornament series from Littlehouse Needleworks. I stitched #8 Hallelujah, #9 Joy and Peace ornament, and
Snow in Love #10- this year. Will continue the last 2 in the 2011 series and then stitch the 2012 series in the new year.
Winter Forest #11-2011 Ornament
Series-Littlehouse Needleworks
June Weather Poems-Britian’s #1 Crossstitch
Magazine - I have stitched 3 of the 12 monthly series and will continue in the new year stitching the rest of the months.

That's it for 2014, see you in the new year.