We visited, talked and talked and enjoyed a great meal of Chicken fried steak with potatoes and green beans and a green salad. Then Peach cobbler for dessert. We had live music that played our great songs of the 50s. A photographer(my daughter) came and took a group picture and a lot of candid shots. She is putting the candid shots on a cd for us. We had 146 classmates and have lost 33. We still look great(well most of us) and enjoy a reunion every 5 years. Pictures to come.
I did a little stitching this past week and here is my progress on the WIPs.
The Alphabet Samplings Book-With My Needle
14 of 16 pages stitched
Snowman and Friends Christmas Stocking-Gold Collection Kit
The Halloween House Ursula Michaels
Finished the left corner and started the border
November Snowman-Vermillion
Silent Night ornament-LittleHouse 2011 series
Red Birds - Marie Barber
Stitched a few more stitches on the male redbird.
Have a great week.